Reviewed Books
We are all about reviewing books here!
Sometimes our book reviews are in-depth chapter-by-chapter analyses that take up multiple episodes, and sometimes they're a single episode where we rant about everything between the book's covers. If you don't have time, or are unable to listen to the podcast, we also share our thoughts and reviews of the books we cover on the podcast here. Beware of spoilers, but these quick reviews are a good way to check out our overall opinions and add books to your reading lists.
Upcoming Books
Never stop reading!
We are always on the hunt for new books to read and new fantasy books to explore! We love fantasy because of the creativity the authors can explore, the different types of voices you can hear, and the different sets of rules, myths, and magic that come with each new world. Since starting the podcast, we have been recommended many books to read and review, so this upcoming list will give you a taste of what's to come. One of our goals is to read some less mainstream fantasy, as well as feature books by authors with many different backgrounds. If you have book suggestions for us, please reach out on our contact page.
Recommended Reading Lists
Ideas for You!
We read so much that we don't always have time to review our favorite books on the podcast. Here are some recommended cultivated reading lists that are good for any fantasy lover. They include books we have read, books our friends have read, critically acclaimed books, and many more. If you have any suggestions, please reach out.